respected place in traditional medicine around the globe.
Gaining large popularity in recent years, today they are used by people looking for a more natural approach to tending their mind and body.
Essenzza Health ear candles are our no nonsense approach to better living.
Ingredients: Our candles are made using 100% cotton and high-grade natural beeswax and cotton.
Whats included:
This product comes in 12 boxes x 4 pairs (96 Candles)
All Candles are supplied with Safety Filter, Protective Disk and Stop mark.
respected place in traditional medicine around the globe.
Gaining large popularity in recent years, today they are used by people looking for a more natural approach to tending their mind and body.
Essenzza Health ear candles are our no nonsense approach to better living.
Ingredients: Our candles are made using 100% cotton and high-grade natural beeswax and cotton.
Whats included:
This product comes in 12 boxes x 4 pairs (96 Candles)
All Candles are supplied with Safety Filter, Protective Disk and Stop mark.
respected place in traditional medicine around the globe.
Gaining large popularity in recent years, today they are used by people looking for a more natural approach to tending their mind and body.
Essenzza Health ear candles are our no nonsense approach to better living.
Ingredients: Our candles are made using 100% cotton and high-grade natural beeswax and cotton.
Whats included:
This product comes in 12 boxes x 4 pairs (96 Candles)
All Candles are supplied with Safety Filter, Protective Disk and Stop mark.